Monday, October 8, 2007

iGrid ActiveX Control

iGrid ActiveX control is a grid control that allows you to edit its cells using built-in editors and can emulate the Outlook messages list. The highly optimized flicker-free display code makes this grid draw fast while it allows more sophisticated displays to be set up. It is also a good replacement for a ListView in report mode.
iGrid implements many useful features - multicolumn sorting, custom draw cells, saving and restoring its layout, own Memory Manager. Each cell of the grid can be formatted separately from other cells in the grid and even from the cells of the same column. Developers can use format strings, format flags (horizontal and vertical alignment, ellipsis at the end or at the middle of the cell text, if necessary, so that the result fits in the cell rectangle, prefix characters ("&") in the cell text, etc). Colors of iGrid elements can be adjusted. You can also turn off vertical and/or vertical or horizontal grid lines, use multiselect mode to select some cells simultaneously and row mode to select all cells in a single row, headers of columns may be flat or 3D and can be dragged or not, and so on.

Please note that it can take up to 72 hours to provide download instructions for this product after a purchase.

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iGrid ActiveX Control

Item Comparison

Single Developer License:
10Tec Company grants to you as an individual, a personal, nonexclusive license to install and use any of its SOFTWARE COMPONENT PRODUCT for the sole purposes of designing, developing, testing, and deploying application programs which you create. With the SINGLE DEVELOPER LICENSE you also get the included right to redistribute the SOFTWARE COMPONENT PRODUCT with your applications without any restriction and additional fee.

Source Code License:
10Tec Company grants to you the right to use the SOFTWARE COMPONENT PRODUCT in your applications whatever you need. You can recompile it, add your features or improve its behavior and redistribute with your applications this recompiled new version. In the last case an express mentioning about the author is required. DEVELOPER END USER may not recompile the SOFTWARE COMPONENT PRODUCT and sell it as its own component.

Upgrade Protection Period:
Accordingly to our period of upgrade protection, all upgrades within the same major version of a product are free. For instance, iGrid 2.0 and 2.1 registered users are able to use iGrid 2.5 and all of further 2.xx versions of this product without any additional fee, but an additional upgrade fee is required if you want to upgrade from iGrid 2.xx to iGrid 3.0 or higher.

Detailed Product Description

Data Display, Editing Flexibility

When faced with the task of building complex user interfaces, we're confronted with a variety of tools to use that might not fit our exact requirements. Often we need to display data in a tabular format where something like the FlexGrid or ListView that comes with VB is a good choice. Other times, your requirements are more complex and require editing of the data and much more flexibility in displaying, sorting, and grouping the data. At times like this, iGrid offers you a very powerful alternative.

Whatever Your Needs

iGrid's powerful set of easy-to-use features enable you to customize your GUI to fit your most complex requirements. With its optimized flicker-free display code, iGrid permits you to design sophisticated user interfaces that can use simple tabular data or enrich it with images or icons. The constituent parts of the grid can use Windows XP Visual Styles, and the grid can be used to create a complex Outlook-styled interface. Each cell of the grid can be customized using fonts, colors, images, and even user drawings, as well as to display various types of data. Built-in editors make data editing easy, and you can enable multicolumn sorting and data grouping easily. Even OLE drag-and-drop is enabled.

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